Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi was born Andrea Almasi at Hendersonville in Tennessee in June 6th, 1985. She was Briefcase Model Number. 19 during the premiere season of NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal, which aired in December 2005. AJ grew as an awkward tomboy in Hendersonville Tennessee wearing braces, glasses, as well as many other things. She had no idea that she would ever be capable of what she's doing and yet loves the work. Family and friends told her that she was "bubbly" and because her character is strong, and that any dream she sets for herself can succeed. Almasi became transformed through Los Angeles into a gorgeous glamor model as she embarked into a modeling career as well as film-acting. Aj Almasi's name has the name Andrea Almasi. She was chosen as one of 26 Briefcase Models for the new NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal in December 2005. Aj Almasi is an actor who is most well-known in the series Deal or No Deal, Bikini locations (2003) as well as The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson, (2005). The actress was seated next to Briefcase AJ and is now focusing on her modeling and acting professional career in Los Angeles. wants to do more.

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